Sep 28, 2022Papers accepted to FPL and CGRA4HPC
Congrats to Omar, Linda and Rami on their recent papers...
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May 17, 2021New Release Coming Soon
A new release of the CGRA-ME framework will be coming...
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May 1, 2019Two papers accepted to FCCM 2019.
Congrats to Ian and Matthew on their papers accepted to...
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Sep 17, 2018Compact Area and Performance Modelling for CGRA Architecture Evaluation Paper Accepted at FPT2018
Congratulations to Steven on his accepted paper to FPT2018...
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Feb 20, 2018Architecture-Agnostic ILP Mapper Paper Accepted at DAC2018
At DAC2018 in San Francisco, California, we will present...
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Jan 25, 2018CGRA Physical Implementation Study
This paper showcases CGRA-ME performing a study on different CGRA...
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Jun 1, 2017Framework Introduction Paper Accepted at ASAP2017
We are glad to announce that the first publication on...