This is the complete list of members for BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime, including all inherited members.
analyzeILPMapping(const Mapping &ilp_mapping, const MRRG &mrrg) | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inlinestatic |
args | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | |
arm | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | static |
BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime(std::shared_ptr< CGRA > cgra, int timelimit, const ConfigStore &args) | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inline |
BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime(std::shared_ptr< CGRA > cgra, int timelimit, ConfigStore untouched_args, ConfigStore args) | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inline |
cgra | Mapper | protected |
ILPMapperAnalysisResult enum name | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | |
mapOpGraph(std::shared_ptr< OpGraph > opgraph, int II, const MRRG &mrrg, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > fix_port) override | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inlinevirtual |
mapOpGraph_internal(std::shared_ptr< OpGraph > opgraph, int II, const MRRG &mrrg, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > fix_port) const | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inline |
Mapper(std::shared_ptr< CGRA > cgra, int timelimit) | Mapper | protected |
mapper_name | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | static |
mappingIsOK(const Mapping &mapping, const MRRG &mrrg) | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inlinestatic |
printStatus(const T &msg) const | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | inline |
timelimit | Mapper | protected |
untouched_args | BothSmallTimeThenHeurFullTime | |
~Mapper() | Mapper | virtual |