This is the complete list of members for OpScheduler, including all inherited members.
addLastUseConstr(GRBmodel *model, std::map< OpGraphOp *, int > last_use) | OpScheduler | |
addOpConstr(GRBmodel *model, unsigned II, int max_step, bool ignore_backedge, int exit_id) | OpScheduler | |
alap_schedule | OpScheduler | private |
asap_schedule | OpScheduler | private |
buildLastUseTable(int &ext_node_count, int exit_id, std::map< OpGraphOp *, int > &last_use) | OpScheduler | |
calcEdgeDist(OpGraphVal *val, OpGraphOp *sink_op, unsigned II, bool ignore_backedge) | OpScheduler | |
calcLowerBound(OpGraphOp *op) | OpScheduler | |
calcNodePrio(OpGraphOp *, int) | OpScheduler | |
extended_sched_const | OpScheduler | |
function_nodes | OpScheduler | private |
getLowerBoundEdge(OpGraphOpCode op1, OpGraphOpCode op2) | OpScheduler | inline |
getSchedule(SchedType type) | OpScheduler | |
isBackEdge(OpGraphOp *) | OpScheduler | |
lower_bound_op_code_edge | OpScheduler | private |
mrrg | OpScheduler | private |
op_graph | OpScheduler | private |
op_latency | OpScheduler | private |
opPair typedef | OpScheduler | |
OpScheduler(const OpGraph &opgraph, const MRRG &mrrg, std::string arch_name, std::string supported_ops_file_name="") | OpScheduler | |
parseNetworkSchedule(std::string netwrok_latency_filename) | OpScheduler | |
schedASLAP(unsigned II, unsigned max_cycles, SchedType algo) | OpScheduler | |
schedSDCMod(unsigned II, SchedType algo) | OpScheduler | |
schedule | OpScheduler | private |
sdc_lro_schedule | OpScheduler | private |
sdc_mod_schedule | OpScheduler | private |
upper_bound_op_code_edge | OpScheduler | private |
~OpScheduler() | OpScheduler | inline |