This is the complete list of members for MapperRegistry, including all inherited members.
createMapper(const std::string &mapper_id, std::shared_ptr< CGRA > cgra, int timelimit, const ConfigStore &args) const | MapperRegistry | |
getAllRegisteredArgDefaults() const | MapperRegistry | |
getMapperArgs(const std::string &mapper_id, const ConfigStore &args) const | MapperRegistry | |
m_mapper_makers | MapperRegistry | private |
makeKeyPrefix(const std::string &mapper_id) const | MapperRegistry | inlineprivate |
MapperRegistry(std::vector< ImplicitTuple< std::string, ImplicitlyToString, std::string >> common_defaults) | MapperRegistry | |
MapperRegistry(const MapperRegistry &)=default | MapperRegistry | |
MapperRegistry(MapperRegistry &&)=default | MapperRegistry | |
operator=(const MapperRegistry &)=default | MapperRegistry | |
operator=(MapperRegistry &&)=default | MapperRegistry | |
printDefaultsAsINI(std::ostream &os) const | MapperRegistry | |
printHelpForMapper(const std::string &mapper_id, const ConfigStore &args, std::ostream &os) const | MapperRegistry | |
printMapperList(std::ostream &os) const | MapperRegistry | |
registerMapper(std::string mapper_id, MapperMaker maker, bool is_composite, std::string mapper_description, std::vector< ImplicitTuple< std::string, ImplicitlyToString, std::string >> required_arg_names_defaults_and_descriptions, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> optional_arg_regexes_and_descriptions) | MapperRegistry |